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Are You Persuasive Enough?

2020 is the year when persuasiveness is needed more than ever. Starting with the upcoming presidential elections when the nation is debating the pros and cons to take a major decision, how can we communicate our ideas so that we help people make an informed decision? Every morning to read the news, share social media posts, or tweet about some protest against one cause or the other. How can we communicate our message to influence positive outcomes? Schools, parents, and health workers devote innumerable hours advocating the importance of safety routines during this pandemic. How can they communicate and advise so that it inspires action?

Our life revolves around convincing our loved one, boss, a client, or a teacher towards a point of view or to accept a certain course of action. Practicing the following 3 steps will help perfect your persuasiveness.


A good persuader knows the difference between knowing & inquiring. While knowing is to perceive or understand a fact or truth, inquiring goes one step further; questioning the information. When you question information in front of you, your brain analyses all perspectives and evidence to and delve deeper into the fact/information.


A skilled persuader knows the importance of establishing trust. Often, we are focused only on the words we say in emails, meetings, or in conversations. But never think about the impact it has on the minds of the audience. The best way to establish trust is to prep your confidence both inside and out. Communicate with enthusiasm and assertiveness.


A successful persuader knows to build the bridge. There will always be something that connects you with the audience. Finding a common ground to build your conversation establishes the right connection which is key to convince your audience.

The primary way our society has spread ideas and created revolutionary change is through freedom of speech and skillful persuasion. The next time you are preparing for a presentation, an interview, or a debate, take the time to inquire, prep your confidence, and establish a connection.

Ask yourself, "Do I sound like a winner?"


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